How hard is this task and what do I have to do? Also, what type of knob can I use, i%26#039;m attempting to customize the car.
Thanks to anyone that can help|||You generally can%26#039;t change out an automatic shift knob, due to the lockout button. Each car uses a different arrangement, and none of them are standardized. You might give your local Nissan dealer a call and see if they have something that might work. Chances are that Nismo might offer something for your car, but it%26#039;s anyone%26#039;s guess.
If it were a manual transmission, all you would need to do is turn the knob to the left and spin the old one off like a bolt and spin the new one on. Just make sure to match the thread pitch first. It will probably be M10x1.25 or M12x1.50, those are the most common ones. To find out what it is, remove the knob and take it into Lowes or any place that sells hardware and match it up using a bolt.|||.... if you dont know how to change the knob you wont get far. is it a stick or auto.. just go to advanced auto parts. they prolly sell something you would like.
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